Chip 1997 December
CHIP Turkiye Aralık 1997.iso
INI File
568 lines
n0=; This section handles all raw codes from there server
n2=alias censoredchan {
n3= ; given channel name $1 and list of channels $2-, determine if there is any
n4= ; channels that are unwanted
n5= %n = 0
n6= :nx
n7= inc %n
n8= if %cenchan [ $+ [ [ $1 ] [ $+ [ %n ] ] ] ] != $null {
n9= if (%cenchan [ $+ [ [ $1 ] [ $+ [ %n ] ] ] ] isin $strip($2-)) return %cenchan [ $+ [ [ $1 ] [ $+ [ %n ] ] ] ]
n10= goto nx
n11= }
n12= return $null
n14=alias checkchans {
n15= ; Given nick $1 and channel list $2-, determine if the person is in violation of
n16= ; the channel name censor
n17= %c = 0
n18= :nx
n19= inc %c
n20= if $chan(%c) != $null {
n21= if (($isop($1,$chan(%c))) || ($1 !ison $chan(%c))) goto nx
n22= if ($me isop $chan(%c)) {
n23= if (%haveoptions [ $+ [ $chan(%c) ] ] ) set %namecheck $chan(%c)
n24= else set %namecheck other
n25= if (%namecensor [ $+ [ %namecheck ] ] ) {
n26= set %badchannel $censoredchan(%namecheck,$2-)
n27= if %badchannel != $null {
n28= if (%namecensorban [ $+ [ %namecheck ] ] ) { mode $chan(%c) +b-o $a3($1) $1 | rtb $a3($1) $chan(%c) }
n29= kick $chan(%c) $1 Unwanted: members of channels with " $+ %badchannel $+ " in the name
n30= }
n31= }
n32= }
n33= goto nx
n34= }
n36=#invitenames off
n37=raw 353:*:{
n38= ; mass invite a channel you're not even on
n39= set %l 3
n40= :nx
n41= inc %l | set %name [ $+ [ %l ] ]
n42= if %name = $null halt
n43= invite %name %chan | goto nx
n44= halt
n46=raw 366:*:.disable #invitenames | altech -a %dis10 $+ Mass Invite complete | halt
n47=#invitenames end
n48=#gma off
n49=raw 302:*:{
n50= if $2 = $null { set %me $me | userhost $me }
n51= else { set %myadr $replace( [ $replace($2,=,!) ] ,+,*) | .disable #gma }
n52= halt
n54=#gma end
n55=#allwho off
n56=; do a /who, then a /whois on every match found (this is called from /swho,
n57=; like /swho *.netcom.com (although I wouldn't do that one!)
n58=raw 352:*:whois $6 | inc %fwht | halt
n59=raw 315:*:{
n60= .disable #allwho | .enable #nw
n61= if %fwht = 0 altech -s %dis10 $+ No matches found for %fwho
n62= elseif %ftht = 1 altech -s %dis10 $+ Found 1 match for %fwho
n63= else altech -s %dis10 $+ Found %fwht match(es) for %fwho
n64= halt
n66=#allwho end
n67=#autoicmp off
n68=raw 302:*:{
n69= .disable #autoicmp
n70= set %adr $replace($2,=,!) | set %adr $replace(%adr,+,*)
n71= set %pos $calc($pos(%adr,!) -1 )
n72= set %icmpnick $left(%adr,%pos)
n73= if $mask(%adr,3) iswm %myadr echo 3 -a %icmpnick is $mask(%adr,3) $+ ... your clone!
n74= elseif $mask(%adr,2) iswm %myadr echo 3 -a %icmpnick is $mask(%adr,2) $+ ... your clone!
n75= else {
n76= echo 3 -a %icmpnick is $mask(%adr,3)
n77= echo 4 -a Press F7 to ICMP %icmpnick | .timer 1 60 unset %icmpnick
n78= }
n79= halt
n81=#autoicmp end
n82=#verifylamer off
n83=; verify that a nick is on IRC before sending a mock
n84=raw 302:*:{
n85= .disable #verifylamer
n86= if $2 = $null {
n87= raw -q notice %tvmocker [ $+ [ %mockee ] ] : $+ %mockee is not on IRC you lamer!!!
n88= altech #MockLamer %dis10 $+ %mockee is not on IRC, request ignored
n89= dh
n90= }
n91= set %mockee $left($2,$calc($pos($2,=) - 1))
n92= set %mocker %tvmocker [ $+ [ %mockee ] ]
n93= set %insult $rinsult
n94= raw -q notice %mockee :4 $+ %mockee $+ , you are a %insult 5(You were mocked at the request of %mocker $+ )
n95= altech #MockLamer %dis10 $+ Mock Lamer: told %mockee he was a %insult
n96= halt
n98=#verifylamer end
n99=#verifylamer2 off
n100=; verify that a nick is on IRC before I send a mock so I don't look like an ass
n101=; by doing requests for nicks that don't exist
n102=raw 302:*:{
n103= .disable #verifylamer2
n104= if $2 = $null { altech -a %dis10 $+ %mockee is not on IRC, not sending mock lamer request | halt }
n105= msg #MockLamer |mocklamer $left($2,$calc($pos($2,=) - 1))
n106= halt
n108=#verifylamer2 end
n109=#altadd off
n110=; attempt to add someone who is not in my ial to my userlist
n111=raw 302:*:{
n112= .disable #altadd
n113= if $2 = $null { altech -a %dis7 $+ %addnick is not on IRC, cannot add | dh }
n114= else dde control $ddename adduser %addnick $convert($replace( [ $replace($2,=,!) ] ,+,*))
n115= halt
n117=#altadd end
n118=#revenge off
n119=raw 302:*:{
n120= .disable #revenge
n121= if $2 = $null { altech 4 -a %tvicmpnick is not on IRC!! | dh }
n122= else {
n123= set %addy $mask($replace( [ $replace($2,=,!) ] ,+,*),2)
n124= set %len $calc($len(%addy) - 4)
n125= if ($isnumericip($right(%addy,%len))) runicmp $right(%addy,%len)
n126= else { .disable #regdns | .enable #revengedns | .dns %tvicmpnick }
n127= }
n128= halt
n130=#revenge end
n131=#altfsb off
n132=; attempt to add someone who is not in my ial to my fileserver ban list
n133=raw 302:*:{
n134= .disable #altfsb
n135= if $2 = $null { altech -a %dis7 $+ %addfsb is not on IRC, cannot add | dh }
n136= else addfsb $convert($replace( [ $replace($2,=,!) ] ,+,*)) %fsbreason
n137= halt
n139=#altfsb end
n140=#altban off
n141=; attempt to add someone who is on in my ial to my ban list
n142=raw 302:*:{
n143= .disable #altban
n144= if $2 = $null { altech -a %dis7 $+ %addnick is not on IRC, cannot add ban | dh }
n145= else {
n146= set %addy $replace( [ $replace($2,=,!) ] ,+,*)
n147= if %banchan != $null {
n148= kickbanall $mask(%addy,3) %banchan %default | rtb $mask(%addy,3) %banchan
n149= dde control $ddename $+ addban mask $mask(%addy,3) $+ > $+ $mask(%addy,4) $+ > $+ %banchan
n150= }
n151= else dde control $ddename $+ addban mask $mask(%addy,3) $+ > $+ $mask(%addy,4) $+ >
n152= }
n153= halt
n155=#altban end
n156=#altignore off
n157=; attempt to add someone who is on in my ial to my ignore list
n158=raw 302:*:{
n159= .disable #altignore
n160= if $2 = $null { altech -a %dis7 $+ %addnick is not on IRC, cannot add ignore | dh }
n161= else {
n162= set %addy $replace( [ $replace($2,=,!) ] ,+,*)
n163= dde control $ddename $+ ignore ignore %addnick $mask(%addy,3) $mask(%addy,4)
n164= }
n165= halt
n167=#altignore end
n168=#altrem off
n169=; attempt to remove someone (who is not in my ial) from my userlist
n170=raw 302:*:{
n171= .disable #altrem
n172= if $2 = $null {
n173= ; the person is not on IRC, but if this nick is known, I can still remove him
n174= altech -a %dis7 $+ %remnick is not on IRC | altech -a %dis6 $+ Attempting yet another method!!...
n175= set %adr $readini $ul address [ [ %remnick ] $+ 1 ]
n176= if %adr = $null altech -a %dis7 $+ Nope, can't find %remnick in your user list, can't remove (You can remove with the "User List Maintenance Utility")
n177= else ru %remnick %adr
n178= }
n179= else ru %remnick $replace( [ $replace($2,=,!) ] ,+,*)
n180= halt
n182=#altrem end
n183=#stats off
n184=; compile channel/IRC info and report it to the channel/IRC info program
n185=raw 352:*: {
n186= inc %info.0 | set %adr *!* $+ $3 $+ @ $+ $4
n187= if + isin $7 inc %info.2 | if G isin $7 inc %info.3
n188= if * isin $7 inc %info.4 | if @ isin $7 inc %info.1
n189= set %lv $al(%adr) | if %lv = 1 halt
n190= if %lv = 20 inc %info.6
n191= elseif %lv = 40 { inc %info.7 | if @ !isin $7 inc %info.11 }
n192= elseif %lv = 50 { inc %info.8 | if @ !isin $7 inc %info.11 }
n193= elseif %lv = 60 { inc %info.9 | if @ !isin $7 inc %info.11 }
n194= elseif %lv = 70 inc %info.10
n195= halt
n197=raw 367:*:inc %info.5 | halt
n198=raw 368:*:dde chaninfo $ddename $+ info txtInfo(5) %info.5 | halt
n199=raw 251:*:dde chaninfo $ddename $+ info txtIRC(0) $2- | halt
n200=raw 252:*:dde chaninfo $ddename $+ info txtIRC(1) $2- | halt
n201=raw 254:*:{
n202= dde chaninfo $ddename $+ info txtIRC(2) $2-
n203= set %got254 $true
n204= if ((%got266) && (%got315)) .disable #stats
n205= halt
n207=raw 250:*:halt
n208=raw 255:*:halt
n209=raw 265:*:dde chaninfo $ddename $+ info txtIRC(3) $5 (max: $7 $+ ) | halt
n210=raw 266:*:{
n211= dde chaninfo $ddename $+ info txtIRC(4) $5 (max: $7 $+ )
n212= if ((%got254) && (%got315)) .disable #stats
n213= set %got266 $true
n214= halt
n216=raw 315:*:{
n217= if ((%got266) && (%got254)) .disable #stats
n218= set %got315 $true
n219= set %info.12 $chan($2).mode
n220= if %info.12 = $null set %info.12 no modes set
n221= %k = -1 | dec %info.10 | if %info.10 < 0 set %info.10 0
n222= :nx
n223= inc %k | if %info. [ $+ [ %k ] ] = $null set %info. [ $+ [ %k ] ] 0
n224= if %k < 11 goto nx
n225= %temp = ""
n226= %k = -1
n227= :nw
n228= inc %k | set %temp %temp $+ %info. [ $+ [ %k ] ] @
n229= if %k < 12 goto nw
n230= dde chaninfo $ddename $+ info chandata %temp
n231= unset %info.* | halt
n233=#stats end
n234=#filterops off
n235=raw 352:*:set %tvfolast $6 | whois $6 | halt
n236=raw 315:*:set %tvfolastnick %tvfolast | halt
n237=raw 301:*:halt
n238=raw 311:*:halt
n239=raw 312:*:halt
n240=raw 313:*:{
n241= if $gl($2) > 18 { inc %tvforec | halt }
n242= inc %tvfocount
n243= if (%tvfoban) { mode %tvfochan -o+b $2 $a3($2) | rtb $a3($2) %tvfochan }
n244= kick %tvfochan $2 %ircopkick
n245= halt
n247=raw 317:*:halt
n248=raw 319:*:halt
n249=raw 318:*:{
n250= if $2 = %tvfolastnick {
n251= .disable #filterops
n252= if ((%tvfocount = 0) && (%tvforec != 0)) altech %tvfochan %dis10 $+ Did not find any IRC ops on %tvfochan that are not in your userlist!
n253= elseif %tvfocount = 0 altech %tvfochan %dis10 $+ Did not find any IRC ops on %tvfochan
n254= elseif %tvfocount = 1 altech %tvfochan %dis10 $+ IRC Op filter scan complete, kicked 1 person
n255= else altech %tvfochan %dis10 $+ IRC Op filter scan complete, kicked %tvfocount people
n256= unset %tvfo*
n257= }
n258= halt
n260=#filterops end
n261=#nw on
n262=raw 329:*:halt
n263=raw 352:*:{
n264= altech -s %dis0 $+ $6 %dis2 $+ ( $+ $3 $+ @ $+ $4 $+ )
n265= if ($6 = %botnick [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) {
n266= set %tvfb [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $true
n267= set %ady *!* $+ $3 $+ @ $+ $4
n268= if ($al(%ady) >= 60) {
n269= if $6 isop $2 {
n270= raw -q PRIVMSG %botnick [ $+ [ $2 ] ] :op %botpass [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
n271= altech -a %dis10 $+ Requesting ops from $6
n272= }
n273= else altech -a %dis10 $+ I'm supposed to /msg $6 for ops, be $6 is not a channel op right now
n274= }
n275= else altech -a %dis10 $+ I'm supposed to /msg $6 for ops. I see it, but I don't know the address $mask(%ady,3)
n276= }
n277= halt
n279=raw 315:*:{
n280= if (%tvfb [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != $true) && (%botnick [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != $null) {
n281= altech -a %dis10 $+ I'm supposed to /msg %botnick [ $+ [ $2 ] ] for ops, but its not here
n282= }
n283= if (($left($2,1) = $chr(35)) || ($left($2,1) = 38)) set %updatedial [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $true
n284= halt
n286=#nw end
n287=#detmul on
n288=raw 352:*:{
n289= altech -s %dis0 $+ $6 %dis2 $+ ( $+ $3 $+ @ $+ $4 $+ )
n290= inc %conn [ $+ [ $4 ] ]
n291= if ((%conn [ $+ [ $4 ] ] > %excclientsis) && (%nk [ $+ [ $4 ] ] != $null)) {
n292= kball *!*@ $+ $4 %excclientsmsg
n293= altech -a %dis3 $+ Excessive Connections Detected! %dis4 Kicking %nk [ $+ [ $4 ] ]
n294= if (%sexc = ding) ding
n295= elseif (%sexc = speak) speak excessive connections detected, kicking %nk [ $+ [ $4 ] ]
n296= elseif (%sexc != none) splay %sexc
n297= }
n298= unset %nk [ $+ [ $4 ] ] | unset %conn [ $+ [ $4 ] ]
n299= halt
n301=raw 315:*:halt
n302=#detmul end
n303=#nukeinfoserver off
n304=raw 301:*:halt
n305=raw 311:*:halt
n306=raw 312:*:{
n307= altech -a %dis1 $+ Server: $+ %dis42 $3
n308= if $3 = $server { altech -a %dis1 $+ You are on $3 $+ ! Listing ports... | getports }
n309= else {
n310= altech -a %dis1 $+ *** You are not on $3
n311= altech -a %dis1 $+ *** Press Shift-F2 to try a "/stats l" anyway
n312= set %tvgetports $3
n313= }
n314= halt
n316=raw 313:*:halt
n317=raw 317:*:halt
n318=raw 319:*:halt
n319=raw 318:*:.disable #nukeinfoserver | halt
n320=#nukeinfoserver end
n321=#aww off
n322=raw 301:*:altech -a %dis0 $+ *** Away: $+ %dis2 $3- | halt
n323=raw 311:*:{
n324= ; go ahead ink... change the displays :P
n325= altech -a %dis0 $+ *** Whois Information for: %dis2 $+ $2
n326= set %ady $3 $+ @ $+ $4 | set %lev $level($m( [ *!*@ $+ [ %ady ] ] ))
n327= altech -a %dis0 $+ *** Address: %dis2 $+ %ady
n328= altech -a %dis0 $+ ***áReal Name: %dis2 $+ $right($5-,$calc($len($5-) - 2)) | halt
n330=raw 312:*:altech -a %dis0 $+ *** Server: %dis2 $+ $3 | halt
n331=raw 313:*:altech -a %dis0 $+ ***áIRC operator | halt
n332=raw 317:*:altech -a %dis0 $+ ***áIdle: $+ %dis2 $dur2($3) | halt
n333=raw 319:*:{
n334= altech -a %dis0 $+ ***áChannels: %dis2 $+ $3-
n335= checkchans $2 $3-
n336= halt
n338=raw 318:*:{
n339= dec %donewhois
n340= if (%donewhois <= 0) .disable #aww
n341= if ((%lev != $null) && ($wordlevel(%lev) != $null)) {
n342= altech -a %dis0 $+ *** Level: %dis2 $+ $wordlevel(%lev)
n343= unset %lev
n344= }
n345= halt
n347=#aww end
n348=raw 301:*:if ($2 != $me) altech -s %dis0 $+ Away: $+ %dis2 $3- | halt
n349=raw 305:*:{
n350= .timer974 off
n351= if $chan(0) != 0 ame is no longer away
n352= .disable #page | unset %amsg
n353= altech -a %dis10 $+ The server recognizes you are no longer away
n354= speak welcome back
n355= if (%lagcheck) {
n356= titlebar Little Star 6.1 $me on $server $+ : $+ $port Lag: waiting for info
n357= .timer101 0 120 getlag | getlag
n358= }
n359= else titlebar Little Star 6.1 $me on $server $+ : $+ $port
n360= halt
n362=raw 306:*:{
n363= if (($usermodes = $null) || ($usermodes = +)) titlebar Little Star 6.1 $me on $server AWAY
n364= else titlebar Little Star 6.1 $me %modes on $server AWAY
n365= .timer101 off | altech -a %dis10 $+ The server has marked you as being away
n366= speak you are now marked away. | halt
n368=raw 315:*:halt
n369=raw 311:*:{
n370= ; look ink! here's some more /whois stuff!
n371= altech -s %dis0 $+ Whois Information for: %dis2 $+ $2
n372= set %ady $3 $+ @ $+ $4 | set %lev $level($m( [ *!*@ $+ [ %ady ] ] ))
n373= altech -s %dis0 $+ Address: %dis2 $+ %ady
n374= altech -s %dis0 $+ Real Name: $+ %dis2 $right($5-,$calc($len($5-) - 2)) | halt
n376=raw 312:*:altech -s %dis0 $+ Server: %dis2 $+ $3 | halt
n377=raw 313:*:altech -s %dis0 $+ IRC operator | halt
n378=raw 314:*:{
n379= ; if you changed the /whois stuff... change the /whowas stuff to match!
n380= altech -s %dis0 $+ WhoWas Information for: %dis2 $+ $2
n381= set %ady $3 $+ @ $+ $4 | set %lev $level($m( [ *!*@ $+ [ %ady ] ] ))
n382= altech -s %dis0 $+ Address: %dis2 $+ %ady
n383= altech -s %dis0 $+ Real Name: $+ %dis2 $right($5-,$calc($len($5-) - 2)) | halt
n385=raw 315:*:altech -s %dis0 $+ End of WHO list for $2 | halt
n386=raw 317:*:altech -s %dis0 $+ Idle: $+ %dis2 $dur2($3) | halt
n387=raw 319:*:{
n388= altech -s %dis0 $+ Channels: %dis2 $+ $3-
n389= checkchans $2 $3-
n390= halt
n392=raw 318:*:if ((%lev != $null) && ($wordlevel(%lev) != $null)) { altech -s %dis0 $+ Level: %dis2 $+ $wordlevel(%lev) | unset %lev } | halt
n393=raw 324:*:{
n394= if $3 = + set %mode no modes set
n395= else set %mode $3
n396= altech -s %dis40 $+ Mode for $2 $+ : %dis41 $+ %mode | halt
n398=#getports off
n399=raw 211:*:{
n400= if $pos($1-,*.) != $null {
n401= inc %tvports
n402= addport %dis10 $mid($2,$calc(($pos($2,*.) + 2)), $calc(($pos($2,])) - $calc(($pos($2,*.) + 2))))
n403= ; that's about as ugly as a line of code can get... go ahead, figure it out :P
n404= }
n405= elseif $pos($1-,0.) != $null {
n406= inc %tvports
n407= addport %dis10 $mid($2,$calc(($pos($2,0.) + 8)), $calc(($pos($2,])) - $calc(($pos($2,0.) + 8))))
n408= }
n409= halt
n411=raw 219:*:{
n412= if %tvports = $null set %tvports 0
n413= addport %dis10 $+ Total ports available: %tvports
n414= unset %tvports | .disable #getports | halt
n416=#getports end
n417=raw 331:*:echo -s %dis10 $+ No topic is set for $2 | halt
n418=raw 332:*:echo -s %dis1 $+ Topic for $2 $+ : %dis42 $+ $3- | halt
n419=raw 333:*:echo -s %dis1 $+ Topic set by: %dis42 $+ $3 | halt
n420=raw 341:*:echo -s %dis10 $+ $2 has been invited to $3 | halt
n421=raw 352:*:echo -s %dis0 $+ $6 %dis2 $+ ( $+ $3 $+ @ $+ $4 $+ ) %dis0 $+ on $2 | halt
n422=raw 353:*:echo -s %dis40 $+ Names list for $3 $+ : $+ %dis41 $4- | halt
n423=raw 366:*:halt
n424=raw 369:*:halt
n425=raw 375:*:halt
n426=raw 376:*:halt
n427=raw 381:*:echo -a %dis10 $+ You are now an IRC op | if (%opdedicated) openopwindow | halt
n428=raw 401:*:{
n429= if (%urd) { z | echo 4 $me $2 $+ : no such nick }
n430= else echo -a %dis0 $+ $2 $+ : no such nick
n431= .disable #nukeinfoserver #aww | halt
n433=raw 402:*:echo -a %dis1 $+ No such nick: %dis42 $+ $2 | .disable #aww #nukeinfoserver | halt
n434=raw 403:*:echo -a %dis1 $+ No such channel: %dis42 $+ $2 | halt
n435=raw 404:*:echo -s %dis10 $+ Cannot send text to channel (it's moderated or you are desynched) | halt
n436=raw 405:*:echo -s %dis10 $+ Cannot join $2 $+ . You have joined too many channels already! | halt
n437=raw 406:*:echo -a %dis1 $+ There was no such nickname: %dis42 $+ $2 | halt
n438=raw 421:*:echo -s %dis10 $+ Error: " $+ $2 $+ " is an invalid command | halt
n439=raw 432:*:echo -s %dis10 $+ $2 is an erroneous nickname! | halt
n440=raw 433:*:{
n441= if $2 = ElmerFudd { echo -s %dis10 $+ ElmerFudd nick is already in use. | echo -s %dis10 $+ Cannot perform action kick | .disable #ak | halt }
n442= if $2 = %tvawaynick { echo -s %dis10 $+ %tvawaynick is already in use, cannot change nicks | unset %tvawaynick | unset %tvsettingaway | setaway %awayreason | halt }
n443= if (%underscore) {
n444= set %newnick $2 $+ _
n445= if ($me != %newnick) {
n446= if (($len(%newnick) > 9) && (dal.net !isin $server)) {
n447= altech -s %dis10 $+ Nickname $2 is already in use!
n448= altech -s %dis10 $+ Cannot try %newnick $+ , it's too long
n449= halt
n450= }
n451= altech -s %dis10 $+ Nickname $2 in use, trying %newnick
n452= nick %newnick
n453= }
n454= }
n455= elseif ($notimer(930)) { echo 4 -s Nickname $2 is already in use! | whois $2 }
n456= halt
n458=raw 436:*:echo -s %dis10 $+ Acckkkk! Nick Collision! | halt
n459=raw 438:*:echo -s %dis10 $+ $server $+ : $3-
n460=raw 441:*:echo -a %dis10 $+ $2 is not on $3 $+ ! | halt
n461=raw 442:*:echo -a %dis10 $+ You are not on $2 | halt
n462=raw 443:*:echo -a %dis10 $+ $2 is already on $3 $+ ! | halt
n463=raw 461:*:echo -a %dis10 $+ You must specify a limit when setting +l, like +l 50 | halt
n464=raw 464:*:echo -a %dis10 $+ Password Incorrect! | halt
n465=raw 465:*:echo -s %dis10 $+ $2- | halt
n466=raw 467:*:halt
n467=raw 471:*:echo -a %dis10 $+ Cannot join $2 (Channel is full) | halt
n468=raw 472:*:echo -a %dis1 Incorrect Character: %dis42 $+ $2 | halt
n469=raw 473:*:echo -a %dis10 $+ Cannot join $2 $+ , it's invite only! | halt
n470=raw 475:*:echo -a %dis1 $+ $2 $+ : %dis42 $+ channel requires correct key to enter. | halt
n471=raw 474:*:{
n472= echo -a %dis12 $+ You can't join $2 $+ , you're banned!
n473= ; did I just check to see what ban masks match my address?
n474= if (%tviknowimbanned [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ) halt
n475= ; if not, go ahead and check
n476= echo -a %dis13 $+ Retrieving info on bans against you...
n477= set %bc 0 | unset %wbm* | .enable #wbm | mode $2 b | halt
n479=raw 478:*:if $me isop $2 onotice $2 The channel ban list is now full! | echo -a %dis10 $+ Ban list for $2 is full! | dh
n480=raw 481:*:echo -a %dis10 $+ You are not an IRC operator! | halt
n481=raw 482:*:{
n482= if $left($2,1) = $chr(35) echo -a %dis10 $+ You are not a channel op on $2 $+ !
n483= else echo -a %dis10 $+ $2-
n484= halt
n486=raw 483:*:echo -a %dis10 $+ You can't kill the server! | halt
n487=raw 501:*:echo -s %dis10 $+ Unkown MODE flag! | halt
n488=raw 502:*:echo -s %dis10 $+ You cannot change modes for other users! | halt
n489=#clearbans off
n490=raw 367:*:inc %rtbans | set %rtban [ $+ [ %rtbans ] ] $3 | halt
n491=raw 368:*:{
n492= .disable #clearbans #wbm
n493= unset %bans | %i = 0
n494= :nx
n495= inc %i
n496= if (%rtban [ $+ [ %i ] ] = $null) { if $len(%bans) > 0 mode %chan -bbbb %bans | halt }
n497= set %bans %bans %rtban [ $+ [ %i ] ]
n498= if %maxmodes // %i { mode %chan -bbbb %bans | %bans = "" }
n499= goto nx
n500= :nx
n501= echo -a %dis10 $+ Removed %rtbans ban(s) on %chan | unset %chan | unset %rtban* | halt
n503=#clearbans end
n504=#wbm off
n505=raw 367:*:{
n506= ; hey, a ban mask that matches my address
n507= if $3 iswm %myadr {
n508= inc %bc
n509= set %wbmw [ $+ [ %bc ] ] $left($4,$calc($pos($4,!) - 1)) ( $+ $mask($4,3) $+ ) at $asctime($5)
n510= set %wbmm [ $+ [ %bc ] ] $3
n511= }
n512= halt
n514=raw 368:*:{
n515= .disable #wbm #clearbans
n516= if %bc = 0 { echo -a %dis14 $+ Could not find the ban that matches your hostmask | unset %wb* | halt }
n517= if %bc = 1 echo -a %dis14 $+ There is 1 ban on $2 against you:
n518= else echo -a %dis14 $+ There are %bc bans on $2 against you:
n519= %i = 0
n520= :nx
n521= inc %i
n522= if %wbmm [ $+ [ %i ] ] != $null {
n523= echo -a %dis13 $+ Ban: %wbmm [ $+ [ %i ] ]
n524= echo -a %dis13 $+ Set by: %wbmw [ $+ [ %i ] ]
n525= goto nx
n526= }
n527= set %tviknowimbanned [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $true
n528= unset %wb* | halt
n530=#wbm end
n531=raw 367:*:{
n532= inc %tvnumban [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
n533= echo -a %dis1 $+ ----- %dis42 $+ $2 Ban %dis1 $+ -----
n534= echo -a %dis1 $+ Ban: %dis42 $+ $3
n535= echo -a %dis1 $+ Set by: %dis42 $+ $left($4,$calc($pos($4,!) - 1)) ( $+ $mask($4,3) $+ )
n536= echo -a %dis1 $+ Set at: %dis42 $+ $asctime($5) | halt
n538=raw 368:*:{
n539= if (%tvnumban [ $+ [ $2 ] ] = $null) echo -a %dis10 $+ There are no bans on $2
n540= elseif (%tvnumban [ $+ [ $2 ] ] = 1) echo -a %dis10 $+ End of Ban List for $2 (1 ban found)
n541= else echo -a %dis10 $+ End of Ban List for $2 ( $+ %tvnumban [ $+ [ $2 ] ] bans found)
n542= unset %tvnumban [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
n543= halt
n545=raw 251:*:echo -a %dis20 $+ Users: $+ %dis21 $2- | halt
n546=raw 252:*:echo -a %dis20 $+ IRC Ops: %dis21 $+ there are $2- | halt
n547=raw 254:*:echo -a %dis20 $+ Channels: %dis21 $+ there are $2- | halt
n548=raw 250:*:echo -a %dis20 $+ $2- | halt
n549=raw 255:*:halt
n550=raw 265:*:echo -a %dis20 $+ Current local users: $+ %dis21 $5 %dis20 $+ (max: $+ %dis21 $7 $+ %dis20 $+ ) | halt
n551=raw 266:*:echo -a %dis20 $+ Current global users: $+ %dis21 $5 %dis20 $+ (max: $+ %dis21 $7 $+ %dis20 $+ ) | halt
n552=raw 302:*:{
n553= if $2 = $null halt
n554= else {
n555= set %nick $left($2,$calc($pos($2,=) - 1))
n556= if %nick = $me halt
n557= if (%tvnotify [ $+ [ %nick ] ] != $true) halt
n558= set %addy $replace( [ $replace($2,=,!) ] ,+,*)
n559= set %level $wordlevel2($al(%addy))
n560= if %level = $null altech -a %dis1 $+ *** $left($2,$calc($pos($2,=) - 1)) is on IRC %dis42 $+ ( $+ $mask(%addy,1) $+ ) (unknown address)
n561= else altech -a %dis1 $+ *** $left($2,$calc($pos($2,=) - 1)) ( $+ %level $+ ) is on IRC %dis42 $+ ( $+ $mask(%addy,1) $+ )
n562= ; gotta love what adding a/v options did to these once simple /echo commands!
n563= }
n564= halt